Local Rapid Node

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up the Rapid blockchain on your local machine.

Running a Local Single-node Testnet

To launch Rapid locally, execute the following command:

bash ./init.sh

After running the initialization script, the rapidd process will be up and running, hosting a single local node. Additionally, it will initialize 50 accounts.

To confirm the status of the local blockchain, open a new terminal window and enter:

rapidd status | jq

If the blockchain is functioning correctly, you should observe an output resembling the following:

  "NodeInfo": {
    "protocol_version": {
      "p2p": "8",
      "block": "11",
      "app": "0"
    "id": "a855b2bd0b0fbff262bdd21250eec08e1d5369b6",
    "listen_addr": "tcp://",
    "network": "rapid_9009-2",
    "version": "0.34.29",
    "channels": "40202122233038606100",
    "moniker": "Seed Node",
    "other": {
      "tx_index": "on",
      "rpc_address": "tcp://"
  "SyncInfo": {
    "latest_block_hash": "15A5AFADA0CC889D0B6A4EC8B3D674B1F49579F788CCC97E18AF67E69D45495C",
    "latest_app_hash": "F3598A8162125245EE588D6DB84DD22DF716E9393368A773F2B0BDC81F329DD8",
    "latest_block_height": "1",
    "latest_block_time": "2023-09-10T20:35:03.921149138Z",
    "earliest_block_hash": "C60E86738A483E7D333ABF42F5514A211ABBA4E35C0EB71C77FA83B1E6C59FFB",
    "earliest_app_hash": "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855",
    "earliest_block_height": "1",
    "earliest_block_time": "2023-08-27T13:58:02.893526633Z",
    "catching_up": false
  "ValidatorInfo": {
    "Address": "1D4A79E91B4FC543703890364CFBACC7AFB7EB94",
    "PubKey": {
      "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
      "value": "agx7jclXSrtaa859bjWIoifaZaBUA0fvbzqpbmM3tfs="
    "VotingPower": "900000"

Last updated