Wallet Commands

Creating a Wallet

You can use the following command to create a new wallet. Remember to save the mnemonic phrase.

rapidd keys add <Wallet Name>
  • Example :

rapidd keys add mywallet

(OPTIONAL) To recover your wallet using the mnemonic phrase:

rapidd keys add <Wallet Name> --recover
  • Example :

rapidd keys add mywallet --recover

Show Wallet Address

rapidd keys show <Wallet Name> -a
  • Example :

 rapidd keys show mywallet -a

List of Existing Wallets

rapidd keys list

Delete Wallet

rapidd keys delete <Wallet Name>
  • Example :

 rapidd keys delete mywallet

Transferring Balance from Wallet to Wallet

rapidd tx bank send <Sender Wallet Address> <Reciever Wallet Address>  <Token Amount>
  • Example ( 1 Rapid ) :

rapidd tx bank send rapid1frv4f9swgtjuf9z3l98nh95j3p5dp5d2y9vgsl rapid1l8lwtq429tnnsy6cqcjtp3jpvn9j84xhwl86px 1000000000000000000arapid

Check Wallet Balance

rapidd query bank balances <Wallet Name> 
  • Example :

rapidd query bank balances mywallet

If you can't see your balance in your wallet, it's likely still syncing. Please wait for synchronization to complete and try again.

Last updated