General Settings

The provided details outline key node configuration settings located in the ~/.rapidd/config/ directory. It's advisable to personalize these settings with your own information.

│-- app.toml                            # client configuration file
│-- client.toml                         # configurations for the cli wallet
│-- config.toml                         # Tendermint configuration file
│-- genesis.json                        # gensesis file
│-- node_key.json                       # the private key is utilized for node authentication within the P2P protocol
└-- priv_validator_key.json             # the key employed by the validator on the node for block signing.

Genesis File

You can find the official Github for the Genesis file.

Initialize Moniker

A Moniker serves as a personalized username for your node, designed to be easily understood. This name is established during the node setup process and offers a way to assign nodes more user-friendly and descriptive labels, contrasting with the utilization of IP addresses or public key hashes, which might be challenging to remember or identify.

  • Set Moniker

  • Initialize the node

rapidd init $MONIKER --chain-id <Network> -o

Different types of peers in ~/.rapidd/config/config.toml

# On startup, you can provide a list of peers to be added to the peer store.
# This assists in peer discovery. Note that either BootstrapPeers or PersistentPeers are necessary.
bootstrap-peers = ""

# Maintain persistent connections to specific nodes by listing their addresses in a comma-separated format.
persistent-peers = ""

# Establish or re-establish connections to specific node IDs, bypassing any existing limitations.
unconditional-peer-ids = ""

Set up external-address in config.toml

sed -i -e 's/external-address = \"\"/external_address = \"'$(curl | jq -r .origin)':26656\"/g' ~/.rapidd/config/config.toml

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